How To Get Recruited To Your Dream University

Sports are a fun way to spend your time, make friends, and keep in shape.  Sports can also help you get into your dream university and reduce your tuition costs with scholarship programs.  University sports programs are also a great path to refine your talents and get the recognition you need to play sports professionally.  So if you are ready to start applying for college and want to get recruited by your favorite college team, here are some great tips to make that happen.

Research Your Dream Schools

Start by doing a little research on what schools have the best programs for your particular sport, as well as what schools have your ideal academic program.  Make a list of these schools and start doing research on what they look for in prospective students.  Don’t forget to look into the academic requirements like grades and SAT/ACT scores for admittance into their programs.  Then make any necessary adjustments to your study routine or high school curriculum.  

Communicate With The Coaches

Once you have your dream list worked out, find the contact information for all the coaches and reach out to them.  You can send them an email with an introduction, a brief video highlighting your skills, and an explanation of why you are interested in their particular program.  You can also include copies of your transcripts so they can see you are a well-rounded student.  University coaches receive tons of interest emails every year, so if you don’t hear back, don’t give up.  Instead, follow-up with them with a phone call to show your enthusiasm.

Train, Train, Train

If you have garnered the interest of a coach, they will usually make an appointment to come out to see you.  This can put a lot of pressure on you, especially if they are from your dream program.  To get over this pressure and make sure that you really showcase your talents, diligently train before they come.  If you train a lot, you’ll increase your confidence and really be able to show a coach why you deserve admission into their program.

Attend Summer Camps

Finally, make sure to attend a summer camp.  Summer camps will help you train during the off season so you keep up your skills.  Summer camps are also a great place to invite coaches to see your talents.  During the season, coaches are usually too busy managing their teams to come see potential recruits.  You are more likely to get a coach to come out and see your performance at a summer camp when they have time in their busy schedules.

Getting recruited to a college sports program, is one of the best ways to ensure you attend your dream university.  If you follow this simple plan, you’ll be sure to get the attention of the right coaches!