Are You Paying Attention To Your Grades As A Student Athlete?

Today’s student athletes have to handle a lot of different responsibilities. But while you’re working on running faster or playing harder so you can eventually land college scholarships and hopefully move into professional sports or the Olympics, it’s important that you also pay attention to your grades.

No amount of training on the field can help you here, and while running faster is always a goal for athletes, it’s also vital to work on improving or maintaining good grades as much as possible. Here’s why.

•    First of all, landing college scholarships and actually retaining them is dependent not only upon your athletic performance, but on your grades. If your grades don’t meet the right levels, scholarships wont’ be accessible, no matter how fast your running times are or how great your performance is on the field. 

•    Another thing to consider is that actually getting recruited into a college program is often dependent upon your grades. Not only does academic performance impact your overall success at finding college scholarships, but actually being admitted into a school has a lot to do with grades as well.

•    Good grades mean a good degree. Like it or not, the fact is that at some point you’ll have to transition out of being an athlete. Whether your move is into coaching, managing teams, or something else entirely, your degree will provide you with the fundamental skills that you need to perform well once you reach that point in your career or life in general. 

•    Another thing to consider is simply the athlete’s mindset. You are driven to compete, to challenge yourself, and to be the best in everything you attempt. Why shouldn’t that translate to your studies as well? Reaching a point where you perform at your best in class is something to take pride in, and a challenge worth taking on.

The bottom line is that whether it involves landing a place on a college team or preparing yourself for the future in other ways, paying attention to your grades is something that really matters in a big way. It’s well worth giving your time and effort to, and will pay off tremendously throughout the future.